
  • Dmitrii Igorevich Kuzubov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Elena Yur'evna Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk National Research Technical University


contact network, transformer, reinforcement, longitudinal compensation device, electric rolling stock


On the existing sections of electrified railways, due to the increase in the volume of cargo transportation carried out by heavy trains, limiting sections are identified that limit the throughput of entire distances of power supply. This is usually observed when there is a complex mountain pass profile of the path in such sections. The Northern Passage of the East Siberian Railway is characterized by the presence of rises of 10-17 ppm in some distances of power supply. A striking example of such a section is the Chuksha-Ognevka intersubstation zone of the Vikhorevskaya power supply distance.

The purpose of the research carried out by the authors of the article is to develop the capacity of the traction power supply system on the Chuksha-Ognevka section with the existing train schedule for 2022 and the prospective train schedule for 2025. Based on the collected data on the track profile and weight norms of trains, a traction calculation was performed to determine the loads of trains on a given section. For different modes, the throughput capacity of the traction power supply system was checked, taking into account the specified weight norms of trains in even and odd directions. At the same time, limiting sections were identified and measures were proposed to strengthen them, such as hanging a reinforcing wire, installing a transverse capacitive compensation device at the sectioning post, including power transformers at a traction substation in parallel operation, which requires the installation of an additional traction transformer. Optimal measures were chosen to strengthen each limiting section.


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How to Cite

Кузубов, Д. И., & Пузина, Е. Ю. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPACITY OF THE LIMITING SECTION CHUKSHA-TOREA-OGNEVKA. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



Energy, railway electrification