
  • Stanislav Andreevich Isupov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergey Petrovich Kruglov Irkutsk State Transport University


boxing, anti-boxing devices, sliding speed, sand delivery, coefficient of friction adaptive control law, identification


This article discusses such terms as boxing and SW, the causes of their occurrence, the terms accompanying these phenomena. The negative properties of these phenomena are also considered, which worsen the dynamics and affect the safety of rolling stock movement, as well as entail additional costs. We are talking about the fight against boxing and skidding by adding an expensive and specially prepared friction modifier (quartz sand) to the contact zone of the wheel and rail, which is able to increase the coefficient of adhesion up to 20%. This method is considered with the parameters of the locomotive VL85. This article also discusses the construction of a simplified mathematical model of the boxing process and a system to combat this phenomenon. Two model tests are presented, which show the advantages of an adaptive system compared to a system built on approximately calculated parameters. simplifications and assumptions can be applied to this algorithm. Let the result not physically differ much, but with the expansion of the mathematical model and the addition of transport delays and transients, the error in calculations will increase many times, and the adaptive control algorithm will be able to adapt to new conditions. The method of implementing adaptive sand filling considered in the paper can be easily integrated into the locomotive's standard system for protection against boxing and yuz, complementing existing methods of combating these adverse phenomena.


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How to Cite

Исупов, С. А., & Круглов, С. П. (2022). THE USE OF ADAPTIVE SAND FEEDING UNDER THE WHEELS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



Automation and control of technological processes and productions