Research of the possibility of reducing wear degree of the wheel edge in a freight wagon


  • Yurii Ivanovich Matyash Omsk State Transport University
  • Alexander Dmitrievich Rodchenko Omsk State Transport University
  • Anna Gennad'evna Petrakova Omsk State Transport University


freight wagon, wheel set, coefficient of friction, cassette bearing, carbon nanotubes, axle box assembly, assembly «center plate – thrust bearing»


The observed growth in coal exports to Asian countries (Japan, China and India) required not only to increase coal production in the Kuzbass region up to 16 million tons per year, but also to ensure its export in the Kuzbass – East direction, which is characterized by a large number of curves of small and medium radius. Therefore, the mechanism of interaction between the elements of a freight wagon was studied in the process of the wagon passing through a small radius curve. It has been established that when a freight wagon bogie moves in a small radius curve, it becomes necessary to turn it in order to trace the changing track plan. However, the free movement of the freight wagon bogie is hindered by the friction force that occurs in the node (center plate – thrust bearing). It is shown that with the normalized parameters of turning the wheel rim and the intensity of wear of the wheel flanges of innovative wagons, the operational mileage of the wheel can reach no more than 650 thousand km, with the subsequent dismantling of the wheel from the wheelset and its disposal. However, in this case, it becomes necessary to dismantle the cassette bearing, which has a significant reserve in terms of operating mileage (more than 35 %). Based on the research, it was found that in order to ensure an equal operational life of the wheel and the cassette bearing, it is necessary to reduce the friction coefficient in the node “center plate - thrust bearing” of the freight wagon (up to f = 0,05). For this purpose, it was proposed to use self-lubricating composite materials in friction units (center plate - thrust bearing), including multi-walled carbon nanotubes, which provide a multiple (up to 8 times) reduction in the friction coefficient, thereby ensuring alignment of the operating mileage of the wheel and the cassette axlebox assembly. The proposed technical solutions can significantly reduce the number of wheel set grinding and eliminate the reuse of cassette bearings.

Author Biographies

Yurii Ivanovich Matyash, Omsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities

Alexander Dmitrievich Rodchenko, Omsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities

Anna Gennad'evna Petrakova, Omsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities


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How to Cite

Матяш, Ю. И., Родченко, А. Д., & Петракова, А. Г. (2023). Research of the possibility of reducing wear degree of the wheel edge in a freight wagon. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 51-59. Retrieved from