Methodology and algorithms for constructing optimal diagnostic programmes for technical systems


  • Victor Vladimirovich Kashkovsii Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Vladimir Valentinovich Ustinov Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
  • Lusine Gevorgovna Chobanyan Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation


diagnostic programs, failures in the technical system, control and diagnostic methods, diagnostic algorithms, optimization of diagnostic tests, failure search tree, process maps, leading function method, square matrices


The paper proposes an improved technique for optimizing diagnostic tests for finding failures in a technical system with a search depth of up to a removable block, as well as methods for finding failures directly in blocks with a search depth of up to an element. The initial method is the leading function method, which is used for square sign-state matrices. In the proposed improved method of the leading function, rectangular sign-state matrices are considered, in which the number of signs is obviously greater than the number of states, which is typical for the transition from experimental and test models to serial samples. Such matrices are used in the transition from experimental samples to serial production of aviation equipment. In this case, an urgent practical problem arises of minimizing the number of measuring instruments on board the aircraft. Previously, the automated solution of such problems was not considered. Approbation of the algorithms presented in the form of a tree and technological maps of failure search was carried out on the example of a training and laboratory stand for monitoring the performance of the SSP-2A fire-fighting system and the BI-2AYU block. The proposed technique can be used to diagnose any technical systems and objects of operation. In addition, the proposed algorithms for calculating the number of required checks and their specified sequence can be used for both onboard and ground automated control systems, which will determine the minimum number of installed sensors and, therefore, reduce the weight and size characteristics of onboard systems and improve their reliability.

Author Biographies

Victor Vladimirovich Kashkovsii, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Information Security

Vladimir Valentinovich Ustinov, Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

Assistant Professor of the Department of Aviation Electrical Systems and Pilot Navigation Systems

Lusine Gevorgovna Chobanyan, Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

The Department of Aviation Electrical Systems and Pilot Navigation Systems


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How to Cite

Кашковский, В. В., Устинов, В. В., & Чобанян, Л. Г. (2023). Methodology and algorithms for constructing optimal diagnostic programmes for technical systems. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 181-193. Retrieved from



Information technology, management and processing