Promising measures aimed at environmental protection when working with coal at the production sites of the terminal and storage complex


  • Elena Anatol'evna Rush Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Natal'ya Vasil'evna Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University


coal products, terminal and storage complex, coal dust, maximum allowable emissions, environmental safety, environmental research


The scientific article deals with the issues of the conditions for the organization of transportation, as well as the processing of coal cargo. An analysis is given of rail transportation cargo processing for various nomenclature in the Russian Federation for the period 2021–2022. In connection with the approval by President of Russian Federation in 2022 of quotas for the export of coal from Khakassia in the amount of 9 million tons and from Buryatia 9,1 million tons through the Eastern landfill, in the future there is a possibility of a significant increase in the level of negative impact on the environment, causing the need to develop and implement promising and effective environmental protection methods, to prevent in particular the spread of coal dust in the atmospheric air. With an increase in the volume of mining, transportation and processing of coal products, both positive and negative sides are indicated, namely, continuous monitoring and solving various problems will be required, among which special attention is focused on compliance with environmental safety requirements at railway transport facilities. Coal dust is formed at all stages, from the mining process to the delivery of cargo to the consignee. An increased concentration of coal dust in the atmospheric air is very dangerous for human health, reduces visibility, and can cause an emergency. Today, the primary lever of the transport and logistics industry of JSC «Russian Railways» is the terminal and storage complex, which is taking an active part in the system of transforming cargo distribution channels from producers of raw materials before delivery to the final consumer. The presented materials consider promising methods and technological approaches to minimizing the process of spreading coal dust at the production sites of the East Siberian Directorate for the management of terminal and storage complex. Comprehensive environmental studies have been carried out, which include the results of work on setting standards for maximum allowable emissions for the Sayantui production site (coal storage).

Author Biographies

Elena Anatol'evna Rush, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Technosphere Safety

Natal'ya Vasil'evna Vlasova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation Work Management


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How to Cite

Руш, Е. А., & Власова, Н. В. (2023). Promising measures aimed at environmental protection when working with coal at the production sites of the terminal and storage complex. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(78), 20-32. Retrieved from

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