Technical solution to increase the reliability level of phase separators of AC electric locomotives


  • Nikolai P. Astashkov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Viktoriya A. Olentsevich Irkutsk State Transport University


safety of the transportation process, reliability of electric rolling stock, operating conditions of electrical equipment, phase splitter, semiconductor frequency converter, motor blower, control system, operation algorithm


Effective work on the implementation of plans on increasing the throughput and carrying capacity of the transport infrastructure of the Eastern polygon is fully provided by the locomotive complex. It is possible to increase the traction and energy, speed characteristics and efficiency of the locomotive fleet of OAO "Russian Railways" by ensuring the stable operation of the rolling stock elements. The relevance of the presented work is proven by the production and testing of modern new-generation locomotives with an asynchronous traction drive. The main reference point of designers and developers are solutions that will ensure high traction and energy performance of an electric locomotive. Taking into account the specific operating conditions and factors that directly affect the operating modes, durability and reliability, made it possible to justify the structure and develop an algorithm of the proposed control system. In line with the reports and statistical data of the locomotive depots of the Eastern polygon on the reliability of the operation of electrical equipment in operation of electric locomotives, it can be concluded that the devices used to protect auxiliary machines have disadvantages due to the presence of a large number of accidental factors that determine their operation. The technical prerequisite for the development of the proposed system with adaptation to operating conditions is the implementation of sequential start-up of load electric motors at a reduced speed. The refusal to use various automatic control systems of the performance of electric locomotive valves is conditioned by the low energy indicators of the converters in control modes. Though the phase separator has undoubted advantages, in turn, it does not allow implementing the "soft" start-up of the load electric motors. Currently there are many soft-start-up devices, the advantages of which are obvious due to a wide range of functionality. The comparison of these devices with the system proposed in the framework of the article proves its feasibility both from a technical and financial and economic point of view.


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How to Cite

Асташков, Н. П., & Оленцевич, В. А. (2021). Technical solution to increase the reliability level of phase separators of AC electric locomotives. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 170-180. Retrieved from

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