Application of cable lines in external power supply systems of DC railways
traction power supply, direct current, cable lines, cross-linked polyethylene, modeling, power qualityAbstract
To connect railway traction substations to high-voltage networks of electrical power systems, overhead power lines are used. This approach has a number of disadvantages, which include the following: significant width of the security zone; the possibility of damage due to strong winds and the formation of ice and frost deposits; risk of injury to people and animals from the effects of step voltages due to broken wires. These negative effects can be eliminated by using 110 kV cable lines with molecular cross-linked polyethylene insulation to connect traction substations. The purpose of the research presented in the article was to develop digital models for determining the modes of DC traction power supply systems with power supply to traction substations via cable power lines. The results obtained allowed us to draw the following conclusions: when using cables, the minimum three-minute voltages increase by 2,0–3,5%; active power losses in the head power transmission line are reduced by 8–14 %. DC traction substations do not create noticeable levels of asymmetry in adjacent networks. However, any asymmetry of the three-phase system has a negative impact on electrical consumers, especially on the widespread asynchronous electric motors. The use of XLPE cables allows to reduce the asymmetry coefficients by 11–22 times. In the presence of overhead power lines, the levels of harmonic distortion on the 110 kV buses of TP 2 and TP 3 exceed the normally permissible values. Replacing an overhead line with a cable makes it possible to reduce the total coefficients characterizing the levels of harmonic distortion by approximately 60 %. The coefficients of individual harmonics are reduced by 37–100 %. The developed digital models can be used in the design and operation of traction power supply systems. The method for determining modes is universal and can be used to calculate the modes of external power supply systems of any configuration and traction networks of various designs.
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