Technique for testing samples from elastomers to obtain the mechanical characteristics of their hyperelasticity and finite element modeling of deformable assembly structures


  • Dmitrij A. Mikhaylov Irkutsk National Research Technical University
  • Anatolij A. Pykhalov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgenij V. Zen’kov Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anatolij I. Artyunin Irkutsk State Transport University


aviation, elastomeric materials, determination of elastic strength properties of rubber, strain energy potential, full-scale tests, finite element modeling, натурные испытания, конечно-элементное моделирование


Products made of elastomers, including rubber, have a wide field of application, and at present a large number of works are devoted to the study of their stress-strain state. However, questions remain when studying their collaboration with parts from other materials in contact with them. These issues are of particular relevance in aviation, in particular, due to the high density of the arrangement of complex mechanisms, the diversity of parts, etc. Also, high requirements for aviation elastomers are imposed in connection with a wide range of temperatures and overloads during operation. products. These requirements include: preservation of elastic properties, physical and mechanical properties, resistance to various aggressive environments. This paper presents a list of components of various aircraft systems manufactured using rubber. The paper presents the study of the mechanical characteristics of products made of elastomers, including rubber, which have a wide range of applications. The study of the stress-strain state of these products is relevant and a large number of works are devoted to it. The relevance of the presented work is determined by the fact that there remain questions of studying the fastening of elastomers, that is, their work in conditions of conjugation with metal parts. The development of approaches to solving this nonlinear problem is of particular relevance in such industries as aviation, energy, mechanical engineering and other high-tech industries. In this case, high requirements are imposed on elastomers due to a wide range of temperatures and overloads at all stages of the product life cycle. In particular, the special requirements for elastomers include: elasticity, mechanical characteristics and resistance to various aggressive media. This paper presents an experimental study of elastomers relative to standard and non-standard conditions, as well as a list of nodes that have promising solutions using elastomeric materials.


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How to Cite

Михайлов, Д. А., Пыхалов, А. А., Зеньков, Е. В., & Артюнин, А. И. (2021). Technique for testing samples from elastomers to obtain the mechanical characteristics of their hyperelasticity and finite element modeling of deformable assembly structures. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 38-47. Retrieved from

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