Improvement of transportation organization and management methods in taxi business


  • Marina N. Kripak Sevastopol State University
  • Ol'ga A. Lebedeva Angarsk State Technical University
  • Yuliya O. Poltavskaya Angarsk State Technical University


road transportation, transportation system, taxi, public transport, management


Expanding the scope of public transport is one of the current trends in the development of a modern transport system, therefore it is necessary to ensure high reliability of its functioning, as well as to increase its attractiveness as compared to personal transport. Taxis play an important intermediate role between personal and public transport. The article examines the current situation with the taxi market in Russia, as well as examples of solving some problematic issues related to the taxi business abroad. It is noted that there is no modern law to meet all the legal requirements for regulating the passengers and baggage transportation by land transport or taxi with some regulatory instruments given that regulate only the most general aspects. A tool for assessing the quality of passenger service by taxi cars is proposed. The factors influencing passenger transportation by passenger taxis are considered. To determine the pattern, the indicator of the number of orders received by carriers per year was used. The structural equation model allows exploring the impact of the relationship between passenger satisfaction and service quality index. A technique is proposed for calculating the required number of taxi cars, taking into account the influence of the selected factors. Thus, the approach allows modeling the investigated process of transport service, taking into account both "hidden" and analyzed variables. The proposed methodology can be applied both by city transport enterprises operating in the taxi business and by design organizations to analyze service quality indicators and carry out activities aimed at improving the quality of services provided.


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How to Cite

Крипак, М. Н., Лебедева, О. А., & Полтавская, Ю. О. (2021). Improvement of transportation organization and management methods in taxi business. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 121-127. Retrieved from

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