Analysis of the impact of the long-distance trains passage in a railway track section upon the quality indicators of the train schedule and the safety of the transportation process


  • Victoria A. Olentsevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Natal'ya V. Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgeny V. Kaimov


capacity of a section of a railway line, a long composite train, train schedule, train safety, infrastructure complex, Eastern polygon, upper structure of the railway track


The purpose of the presented scientific research is a technical and economic assessment of the ways for improving the efficiency of the railway sections functioning at the Eastern Polygon, increasing the capacity level subject to ensuring the safety of train traffic and minimizing the costs of operation and maintenance of rolling stock and infrastructure based on the organization of traffic by increasing the weight and length of freight trains in the eastern direction. The use of long-composite trains allows you to get a number of important advantages. Under the ongoing digital transformation of the railway industry, an alternative solution is the introduction of innovative technologies that will determine the development of mainline rail transport on a global scale in the near future. The International Heavyweight Movement Association presented the project «Development of the concept of heavy duty transportation within the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Vision 2030». Such solutions determine the efficiency and safety of the railway transportation and provide the capacity of railways using modern approaches. The authors considered the operation of the railway line section of the Eastern polygon of railways when passing long-haul trains in two variants: 20 trains in even and 15 in odd directions of movement; 26 trains in even and 25 in odd directions of movement. An assessment is given of the influence of the organization principle of the long-distance trains passage on the quality indicators of the train schedule and the safety of the transportation process, which made it possible to determine the criteria for their use.

Author Biographies

Victoria A. Olentsevich, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation management

Natal'ya V. Vlasova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation management


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How to Cite

Оленцевич, В. А., Власова, Н. В., & Каимов, Е. В. (2022). Analysis of the impact of the long-distance trains passage in a railway track section upon the quality indicators of the train schedule and the safety of the transportation process. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 149-158. Retrieved from

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