
  • Konstantin A. Kapustin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anastasia G. Larchenko Irkutsk State Transport University


information technology, integrated control, technical condition, wagons, monitoring, database, chatbot, Telegram, automation


This scientific article is a study of the use of information technologies and complex monitoring systems for increasing efficiency in the operation and repair of railway wagons. As part of the research, a program was developed for the Telegram messenger, which allows for obtaining information on the technical condition of wagons from databases, as well as controlling and managing data.

The article provides a literature review on this topic and describes the main advantages and disadvantages of using chatbots as a tool for automating the monitoring of the technical condition of rolling stock units.

The study methodology, which included the development and testing of the program under real conditions, is also described in the article.

The results of the study showed that the use of software as a tool for automating the monitoring of the technical condition of wagons can solve many problems associated with remote control of rolling stock characteristics in real-time mode. This can significantly increase the efficiency of railway enterprises, reduce costs for wagon repair and maintenance, and improve the safety and quality of cargo transportation.

Overall, the article demonstrates the potential of using modern information technologies in the railway industry and is relevant for specialists in this field. It can also be useful for companies involved in the development of software solutions for the railway industry. The research results are of interest to the scientific community, as well as to the public interested in improving the efficiency of transportation systems.


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How to Cite

Капустин, К. А., & Ларченко, А. Г. (2023). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS FOR COMPLEX MONITORING OF RAILWAY CARRIAGE TECHNICAL CONDITION. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



Automation and control of technological processes and productions

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