
  • Vladislav Vladimirovich Milyushin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dmitriy Anatol'evich Pazov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Elena Yur'evna Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk National Research Technical University


external power supply, strengthening of traction power supply, methods of strengthening, heavy trains


In this paper, the questions that arise when assessing the throughput of the traction power supply system for sections with a complex profile, as a rule, requiring the use of methods for strengthening not only the traction system, but also the external power supply system, are investigated. As an example, to assess the effectiveness of the application of reinforcement methods, the Slyudyanka - Goncharovo section of the East Siberian Railway was chosen. According to the results of the analysis, individual methods of amplification are proposed.

A comparison was made of a number of amplification methods in terms of their influence on the deviation from the minimum voltage level in the contact network, the voltage unbalance factor in reverse sequence, the load factor of power transformers: installation of an autotransformer substation in an external power supply system, inclusion of traction transformers in parallel operation, change in resistance longitudinal compensation devices, changing the power of compensating devices, installing additional sectioning posts.

Based on the results of comparing the influence of individual amplification methods, combined amplification methods are proposed. After analyzing the data obtained, a recommendation was given on the choice of ways to strengthen the external and traction power supply in areas with a complex profile. Reducing the voltage in the contact network, going beyond the limit values ​​of the load factor of power transformers and the problem of normalizing the quality of electrical energy were solved with a combination of such optimal means of amplification as changing the power of compensating devices, connecting traction transformers in parallel and installing a district transformer substation with an autotransformator.


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How to Cite

Милюшин, В. В., Пазов , Д. А., & Пузина , Е. Ю. (2023). SELECTION OF METHODS FOR STRENGTHENING THE SYSTEM OF EXTERNAL AND TRACTION ELECTRIC SUPPLY IN AREAS WITH A COMPLEX PROFILE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



Energy, railway electrification