
  • Vladislav Viktorovich Golubev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Aleksey Andreevich Yablochkin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Elena Yur'evna Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University


economic efficiency, traction power supply system, amplification methods


With the growing industrial potential of the country, the volume of cargo transportation by rail is increasing. In this regard, there is a need to improve transport hubs to regulate traffic at strategically important facilities. The expansion of industrial activity leads to an increase in traffic and the need to strengthen the infrastructure of the transport system.

The use of modern heavy-duty trains on internal railway lines and the increase in daily traffic volumes significantly increase the load on all components of the traction power supply system. Some sections of the contact network are already operating at the limit of their capacity, which leads to an increase in current load and intense heating of the equipment. This is accompanied by a decrease in the voltage level in the contact network and an increase in electricity losses.

Taking into account the decrease in the performance of the traction power supply system, there is a need to strengthen it. Currently, work is underway to modernize complex sections and develop new ways to strengthen the traction power supply system. However, some ways of strengthening it may be inefficient from an economic point of view, despite the achievement of the desired technical results. Therefore, the evaluation of the economic efficiency of these methods is an integral part of the development and implementation of an improved traction power supply system.

As a result, the improvement of the traction power supply system is becoming a key element in the development of railway transport and ensuring the efficiency of freight transportation. This requires an integrated approach, including the modernization of infrastructure, the development of new technologies and the evaluation of the economic efficiency of the proposed solutions.


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How to Cite

Голубев, В. В., Яблочкин, А. А., & Пузина, Е. Ю. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF STRENGTHENING THE SITE STE AN-TK EASTERN POLYGON. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(21). Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/mns/article/view/1325



Energy, railway electrification