training, limited health opportunities, disability, educational work, academic performance, higher educationAbstract
Currently, in the Russian Federation, one of the priority areas of the education system is the formation of knowledge and practical skills among persons with disabilities. The main efforts of the Ministry of Education are focused on creating an accessible, comfortable and high-quality educational environment for all individuals, taking into account the characteristics of their development and health status. Issues related to the problems of training, education and adaptation of students with disabilities are very relevant and are studied from different positions and sides. Educational work is a key mechanism in creating comfortable conditions for learning for students with disabilities. At the Irkutsk State University of Railways, at the Faculty of Transport Systems, students of this category are trained in undergraduate areas. This article examines the problems and difficulties students have when adapting to a team and when receiving education in general. The work presents the main methods and directions in educational activities related to the formation and development of a social, active personality. Key issues aimed at self-realization and socialization of persons with various types of health disorders are considered. The results of a sociological survey conducted at the faculty among disabled students, as well as statistical data on academic performance, are presented. Conclusions are drawn and further directions in educational activities and educational work with students are formed.
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