education, educational work, academic performance, higher education, dormitory, foreign studentsAbstract
Of particular importance in the educational system of higher education institutions is the organization of extracurricular work among students living in dormitories. In common areas, students acquire skills in interpersonal relationships and communication. For successful learning, development of students' personalities and their active interaction, it is very important to create and maintain a healthy psychological atmosphere in the dormitory. The main objective of this work is to present the experience of organizing educational work in the student dormitory of the Faculty of Transport Systems. The article describes the activities of the dean's office of the faculty, the main approaches and principles of organizing extracurricular activities. Also, key areas of work with young people are presented, their role in personality formation is emphasized. The problems of education are described, issues of accommodation and education of foreign students are touched upon. The regional composition of students studying at the faculty is given. Much attention is paid to issues of disputes and conflicts, possible solutions to various student problems are discussed, and the socio-psychological atmosphere in the dormitory is assessed. Examples of successful social events aimed at team building, demonstration of an active life position, independence, formation of healthy lifestyle skills and successful adaptation are given. The role of student self-government in issues of students' socialization to living in a dormitory is shown. The issue of the importance of social networks among young people is touched upon. The work describes the incentive system. Further tasks are set, conclusions are formed.
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