
  • Nikita Nikolayevich Lysak Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Yekaterina Viktorovna Perevozchikova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Natalia Vasilievna Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University


railway platform, removable equipment, innovation, timber, containers


Today, there are a large number of different cargo nomenclature on the railway network. For the transportation of each type of cargo, a different type of railway car is required, which negatively affects: the loading time of the cargo, the empty mileage of railway cars between stations, time and material costs for the maintenance of railway cars. These shortcomings can be eliminated by introducing innovative rolling stock on Russian railways. For example, in a scientific article, the authors analyzed the operation of the Kansk-Yeniseisky station, and proposed a pilot project for the introduction of an innovative platform with removable equipment for the transportation of containers and timber.

The need to put this platform into operation at the Kansk-Yeniseisky station is as follows: to increase the efficiency of using wagons, reduce the time for preparing platforms for loading, since the transportation of containers and forest goods will be carried out in one type of rolling stock, there is no need for new loading and unloading mechanisms for loading cargo onto the transformer platform. The innovation of the platform is that the removable equipment is located directly on the platform. This will eliminate the moment of loss of equipment at the stations and, if necessary, this platform can be retransformed on the spot for loading another cargo nomenclature.

On the basis of the data obtained, the conclusion is formulated: an innovative platform with removable equipment will allow transporting different cargo nomenclature on one type of rolling stock; will save resources for the maintenance and maintenance of the car; will reduce the mileage of empty cars to the place of delivery for loading cargo. The results of the study will reduce the economic costs of the carrier and improve the operation of the Kansk-Yeniseisky station.


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How to Cite

Лысак, Н. Н., Перевозчикова, Е. В., & Власова, Н. В. (2022). AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO THE USE OF ROLLING STOCK FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF VARIOUS TYPES OF CARGO. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(15). Retrieved from



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