
  • Ilya Sergeevich Ovechkin Irkutsk State Transport University


traction substation, automation, SCADA system, structure, comparison, advantages, features


According to the railway transport development strategy of the Russian Federation, the issue of digitalization of traction substations has been raised. The current level of digitalization of Russian railways is given. A promising beginning of digitalization of the East Siberian Railway within the framework of the SCADA system has been determined. Due to the compactness and mobility of the blocks on the basis of which the SCADA system is built, it becomes possible to implement any types of substations. At the same time, it is possible to take into account the features of a particular substation. Highly reliable equipment, on the basis of which the system is being built, makes it possible to organize the necessary level of redundancy for the power supply of the contact network, as well as ensures the functioning of the entire traction power supply system without interruption. The use of automation, in turn, will allow the Russian Railway to move from work "according to technical regulations" to work "according to the current state".

One of the key goals of using the SCADA system is to centralize the process of managing all traction substations, which ultimately will allow obtaining a single, centralized information and computing network.

The article presents the structure and expected effects of the implementation of the SCADA system. The main technical means on the basis of which the SCADA system is being built are given. The main advantages of using this system are indicated. The most popular domestic SCADA systems are listed. Based on the technical and functional parameters, the most popular systems were compared and a SCADA system was selected that takes into account the territorial and climatic location and technical features of the East Siberian Railway. The choice was made on the SCADA NPT Expert system. The advantages and visual features of the selected SCADA system are presented. According to the results of the work, the relevant conclusions were drawn.


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How to Cite

Овечкин, И. С. (2022). AUTOMATION OF TRACTION SUBSTATIONS OF VSZHD USING SCADA SYSTEM. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



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