Using a digital twin of an enterprise to assess the production performance of a transport organization
digital twin of an enterprise, transport organization, maintenance and repair of transport facilities, mean time between failures, failure rate, transport managementAbstract
Mass operation of any type of transport requires significant capital investments and financial costs for the maintenance and repair of the equipment in use. To obtain optimal production indicators of a transport organization, it is necessary to manage production assets and specialists involved in operation. Currently, such problems are solved intuitively, based on the previous experience of managers. Therefore, the task of implementing a scientific approach to the management of transport organizations is quite relevant. This paper presents the results of searching for an optimal variant of the service and repair group workload of a transport organization. A digital twin of an enterprise is proposed as a tool for solving this and other management problems of a transport organization. The analysis of the subject area showed that at the moment it is not possible to obtain such results by any other research methods, except for a digital twin of an enterprise. The initial data for constructing a digital twin of an enterprise are the results of product reliability tests and work timing. The use of a digital twin of an enterprise made it possible to perform a number of studies of the production indicators of a hypothetical transport organization and, in particular, to search for an optimal variant of the service and repair group workload of a transport organization. However, the capabilities of a digital twin of an enterprise are far from exhausted. The model, when entering the appropriate initial data, allows to solve a number of production problems that go far beyond the scope of this work. The digital twin of the enterprise presented in the work can be used not only in production, but also in studying a number of technical disciplines of the bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees such as «Reliability in Engineering», «Technical Diagnostics», «Organization of Transportation and Management in Transport» (Railway Transport). In addition, the digital twin of the enterprise can be used as a simulator for training and retraining the management personnel.
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