Optimization of railway stations operation in the context of the introduction of modern systems of train traffic interval regulation at the eastern polygon


  • Viktoriya A. Olencevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Arina A. Olentcevich Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Valerii E. Gozbenko Irkutsk State Transport University (Irkutsk); Angarsk State Technical University (Angarsk)


Eastern polygon, interval control system, throughput, microprocessor-based auto-locking, visual block section, daily work schedule, loadbearing directions


The most significant scientific direction of the development of the "Organization of the transportation process" sector of JSC "Russian Railways", as well as in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of railway Transport in the Russian Federation until 2030 is the introduction of interval control systems for trains without traffic lights using satellite navigation and digital radio channel. Increasing the capacity of the transport infrastructure facilities of the Eastern Polygon, increasing the level of traffic safety, is possible due to the optimization of the transportation process on the basis of drawing up new promising schemes for the distribution of car traffic in conditions of uneven load-bearing directions, as well as improving management methods and algorithms in systems of interval regulation of train traffic. The relevance of the scientific article lies in the fact that the problem of lack of capacity of railway transport infrastructure facilities is complex. The high traffic intensity level, the lack of reserves for trains passing, technical and organizational disruptions that have arisen in one place automatically lead to the appearance and increase in indicators of unproductive downtime of rolling stock throughout the Eastern polygon. The shortage of available capacity in the mining and processing section of the Eastern Landfill will amount to 20 pairs of freight trains by 2023. The problems and prospects of work organization on this railway section under the conditions of the introduction of modern systems of train traffic interval regulation, setting up directions for improving the  technology of operation of the railway stations most significant for the organization of the transportation process make up the purpose of this article.


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How to Cite

Оленцевич, В. А., Оленцевич, А. А., & Гозбенко, В. Е. (2021). Optimization of railway stations operation in the context of the introduction of modern systems of train traffic interval regulation at the eastern polygon. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 149-157. Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/300

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